Last night me and the fella finally sat down and watched the Tim Minchin DVD I bought him for Christmas.
To be honest I wasn't expecting much. I thought he was going to be a bit like Bill Bailey, whom I think is very funny, but I really have to be in the right mood for him.
I must say he is a very very talented musician, singer, very intelligent extremely eccentric and very funny. Some of the things he said were quite shocking, but in the funniest of ways though there was a couple of moments when I was thinking "Is he serious?".
His wacky ginger hair, big bulgy green eyelinered eyes and eccentric dress sense makes him stand out by a mile all before he even opens his mouth and then he does finally open his mouth, it's a flow of witty, melodic taboo in which he outrageously describes his views on topics on which he quite clearly feels strongly about. Including 'Boobs'.
His songs are hilarious. To start with you think "oh this is a nice tune, sung beautifully, the words are lovely' then all of a sudden he breaks into something crude or outrageous.
I thoroughly recommend you to give him a try. if only for the experience to say you HAVE watched him because even if you don't enjoy the humour, the performance itself is fantastic.
That sounds good, we've only really seen him on TV and he made me laugh. I'll have to look out for his stuff. I'm sure I saw on the BBC website the other day that he's doing a concert at the Proms which will be worth looking out for!
Yes! Best stand up I have seen this year so far, Though I do still have "Ricky Gervais - Science" on BluRay yet to unseal since Christmas. And with having tickets for Jason Manford in Southport this year, Tim has some competition, but like PepperyApple said... and I quote,
PepperyApple wrote:
I thoroughly recommend you to give him a try. if only for the experience to say you HAVE watched him because even if you don't enjoy the humour, the performance itself is fantastic.
Defo wanna look into watching a couple others Live maybe next year. Stand up seems to be getting better these days. Blows the eras of Jim Davidson and Freddie Starr away. The performances seem to have more thought put into them nowadays than just standing on stage and telling jokes.
We saw Dave Spikey live a few years ago, very funny and a great atmosphere. I don't know if I'd trust myself seeing someone like Lee Evans live though, I'd probably pee myself laughing. I usually end up having aassibr coughing fit and have to pause the DVD. As you can probably guess I shouldn't be allowed out in public lol
I used to like Lee Evans. Sorta moved onto Russell Brand and Russell Howard since then. I don't know how anyone can keep a straight face watching either of them.